Monday, January 29, 2007

Good News

It is now about 2:45 p.m. on Monday. I start with that because I have no idea how long this will take. I’ve a fuzzy mind.

The doctors sent Mary home Saturday afternoon late, which freaked me out a bit, but I understand this is the usual thing these days.

I spent about half an hour yesterday after church trying to get the blood out of her hair – without coming anywhere near the incision, which runs from the center of her hair line at her brow in an arc to just above her ear.

I couldn’t believe noone had done that after the surgery, and that freaked me out a bit, but I understand this is not all that unusual.

My son-in-law, Dan, has been chief nurse and occasional bottle washer since she came home. He is on duty there now as I write.

I’m very fond of him and growing fonder.

The Monday before her surgery, I had a bunch of tests done on my heart. I got the results this morning. My heart is in better condition now than it was four years ago! In fact, it is working just as a heart should – for a 77-year-old heart.

And I don’t have to see my cardiologist again for six months, which is good news, although I like everyone in that office.

But the best news of the day is that Mary is getting grumpy. She’s bored.

Oh, and it’s just 2:55 p.m.!

1 comment:

Pat said...

Sounds like God is performing His wonderous healing. I'm so happy to hear Mary's getting grumpy - that's truly a sign of recovery! I don't know what I can blame it on when I get grumpy - maybe old age!