I caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye. I think if I had tried to look straight at it, I would not have seen it at all.
In fact, that may be what I’ve been doing all these years. – trying to look right at something that can’t be seen that way – at least not by me – at least not now.
I remember that before I had surgery to remove cataracts in my eyes, I would often see something more clearly just to the side of my vision. Actually it was more like catching it just as I looked passed it. I know it made reading the eye chart difficult. I could read the letters on the sides but not the ones in the middle.
But enough about that already.
Since I did not get a straight-on, clear image of this thing I saw, it is a bit hard to describe it. In fact, I don’t think I can, really.
But I will make a stab at it because the process of trying to find worlds may help clarify my vision.
What I think it was was the Body of Christ – the church universal – the Bride of Christ -- something like that anyway.
I have understood intellectually that there is such a thing as that. I had just never caught a glimpse of it before.
It’s like knowing in your mind that the church is not the building, but not quite being able to flesh out exactly what it is instead.
It’s all the believers.
All which believers?
Well, let’s not take a negative approach here. Let’s not focus on what I didn’t see, but on the little that I did see.
I saw something that I am a part of and that includes more others than I can count, and they come from everywhere –
If I had seen it straight on, I think I could tell you exactly who they were. But I can’t – yet. I hope to later. I don’t know how much later.
But I saw that I am part of them and they are part of my. My prayers are for them and theirs are for me and each other. And my believing supports them and theirs supports me. And each other.
I think God can see it as One thing, while He still sees each individual in it.
I can’t see either the whole or the parts.
I just caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of my eye.
But now I know it is there and I will be looking for more of it to be revealed. He has not shown me this glimpse for nothing.